With over 125 years combined experience in project delivery, Pace Project Group has the skills and relationships needed to deliver specific outcomes. Whether we’re collaborating with or consulting to your team, you’ll discover that Pace Project Group has the track record and capability to deliver.
Procurement management
Providing a sourcing strategy and procurement plan based on up-to-date industry capability requires an in-depth knowledge and diverse network. Pace Project Group has demonstrated experience within the industry to ensure the best quality suppliers are sourced for each role, transferring risk to where it is best managed at the right price.
Design management
Ensuring that design and contract documentation achieves the appropriate level of detail to facilitate accurate tender pricing and works delivery is a fine art and something that only comes with experience. Pace Project Group has decades of combined experience in design management and will confidently lead and coordinate design teams, ensuring that the client’s business and project benefits are effectively and clearly captured whilst controlling cost and quality risks throughout.
Program & portfolio management – development management
Managing a portfolio or programme of projects is different to managing just one project. Pace Project Group has significant experience in these roles and has the skills to deliver strategic decision-making alongside disciplined management and developed systems.